I heard on KLOVE, a Christian radio station, today, that scientist have recently discovered that the sun makes a kind of music. It is impossible for humans to detect, but has been picked up by "technical" equipment. The station played a bit of the heavenly vibrations, and then stated that it was pretty awesome, that is, for the sun. Now, I just thought it a bit odd that the station would go on to call the music they were about to play better than that of the sun. It seems a bit odd to say that a mere mortal could produce a more amazing sound than the heavenly orb that sustains all life. The slight on the sun compared to human instruments is made even worse by the fact that this was a religious station that proclaims the heavens to be made by God. I would really like to ask them if they ever read the story of Arachne, or if not Arachne vs. Minerva then maybe Sodom and Gomorrah. Once again humans forget how minuscule we are in the great weave that is life, or as Robert Jordan would call it, the Wheel of Time. I would like to add that I am not slamming Christians, as I am one. I believe that humans try to imitate (the) God(s), and that God(s) enjoy being emulated, but when we believe to have surpassed an immortal in any act there is no better word for it than hubris. Any person who believes themselves better than the creator, or whomever they worship, has to realize that compared to God(s) were are mere dust. Anything great or small that mortals accomplish is due to a deity.
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