- S#*t happens
- Things Change
- It is loosely based on the Petronius novel Satyricon, a series of bawdy and satirical episodes written during the reign of the emperor Nero and set in imperial Rome. The original text survives only in large fragments, and instead of trying to connect and "patch up" the fragments which survived, Fellini decided to present the material in a series of somewhat disjointed and dislocated scenes. Though the two protagonists, Encolpius (Martin Potter) and Ascyltus (Hiram Keller), reappear throughout, the characters and locations surrounding them change unexpectedly. This intentional technique of fragmentation conveys Fellini's view of both the original text and the nature of history itself, and is echoed visually in the film's final shot of a ruined villa whose walls, painted with frescoes of the scenes we have just seen, are crumbling, fading and incomplete. Fellini's interest in Carl Jung's theory of the collective unconscious is also on display with an abundance of archetypes in highly dreamlike settings.
- Robert Graves Archive
- English poet, classical scholar, novelist, and critic who produced some 140 books. Graves is perhaps best known for the historical novel I, CLAUDIUS (1934), with its sequel CLAUDIUS THE GOD (1943), autobiographical war memoirs and controversial study THE WHITE GODDESS (1948), in which Graves rejects the patriarchal gods as sources of inspiration in favour of matriarchal powers of love and destructiveness. The Muse, or Moon-goddess, inspires poetry of a magical quality, in contrast to rational, classical verse.
"Philosophy is antipoetic. Phisosophize about mankind and you brush aside individual uniqueness, which a poet cannot do without self-damage. Unless, for a start, he has a strong personal rhythm to vary his metrics, he is nothing. Poets mistrust philosophy. They know that once the heads are counted, each owner of a head loses his personal identify and becomes a number in some government scheme: if not as a slave or serf, at least as a party to the device of majority voting, which smothers personal views." (from 'The Case for Xanthippe', in The Crane Bag, 1969)
- Cupid & Psyche is the centerfold of the Golden Ass
- No one thinks that an ass can hear.
- La Belle et La Bete - Madame de Villeneuve. (AT 425C, Frankreich)
- I am a huge Disney fan, but I do understand that Disney has sterilized the myth in their attempt to make the stories appropriate for children. What is even more hilarious to me is that the Grimm Fairy Tales were meant for children. Today's society puts a lot of emphasis on sheltering our children from the big bad world, and then parents are surprised by the shell shock and rebelion our children have when they are unceramoniously thrust out on their own.
- "Lend me your ear." Lector = reader attende = attention
- The moral of the story is.....THE STORY
- Morals reduce and sterilize the experience of the story.
- Shakespeare was influenced by Ovid & the Golden Ass
- Differenciates Apuleius from the other Transformations of Lucius: Apuleius redeems the pornography into art.
- the book focuses on slaves and beasts of burden, which was unusual
- The ass becomes the bishop, the lowest to the top.
- Lucius eats roses to become human again, but he is also reborn into the mysteries of Isis.
Movie The Game - Book the Magus
- Cupid & Psyche - the first monster in law story.
The biggest aphrodisiac is a good story.
Amor and Psyche - Book Psyche’s act ends the mythical age in the archetypal world, the age in which the relation between the sexes depended only on the superior power of the gods, who held [sic] men at their mercy. Now begins the age of human love, in which the human psyche consciously takes the fateful decision on itself. And this brings us to the background of our myth, namely the conflict between Psyche, the "new Aphrodite" and Aphrodite as the Great Mother. (Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine. New York: 1956: p. 146)
- all marriage is rape
- focusing on women
Cosmic - Cosmetics
- all weddings are funerals
- transfer of property.
Insignificance(Movie) - Four 1950's cultural icons (Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio and Senator Joseph MacCarthy) who conceivably could have met and probably didn't, fictionally do in this modern fable of post-WWII America. Visually intriguing, the film has a fluid progression of flash-backs and flash-forwards centering on the fictional Einstein's current observations, childhood memories and apprehensions for the future.
Golden Ass - Key passage
- Cupid and Psyche, wedding night.
- Deflowered (just my goolgle search) - de·flow·er (d-flour)
de·flow·ered, de·flow·er·ing, de·flow·ers
1. To take away the virginity of (a woman).
2. To destroy the innocence, integrity, or beauty of; ravage.
[Middle English deflouren, from Old French defflourer, from Late Latin dflrre : Latin d-, de- + Latin fls, flr-, flower; see bhel-3 in Indo-European roots.]
de·flower·er n.
Verb :
1. deflower - deprive of virginity; "This dirty old man deflowered several young girls in the village" ruin, copulate, mate, couple, pair - make love; "Birds mate in the Spring"
2. deflower - make imperfect; "nothing marred her beauty" mar, impair, vitiate, spoil
damage - inflict damage upon; "The snow damaged the roof"; "She damaged the car when she hit the tree"defile, sully, taint, corrupt, cloud - place under suspicion or cast doubt upon; "sully someone's reputation"blemish, deface, disfigure - mar or spoil the appearance of; "scars defaced her cheeks"; "The vandals disfigured the statue" - Tricked into peaking by the horrid sisters
- She is pricked by Love's arrow and falls even more deeply in love with Love.
When you are in love, you are blind to your lovers mistakes. I think that Love(Eros) could actually be beautiful, despite PLato's Socates' claim because Love doesn't desire good. Loving is not necessarily a good thing. Love leads, in most cases, to misfortune. Just look at what love did for Socrates' friend in the Golden Ass. Any euphoric experience felt while being in the presense of love, is returned tenfold in pain when that love is yanked away. Ate is a word that means infatuation to the point of ruin. You may say that what I was discussing was Ate and not love, but if you have ever loved anyone truely, it is the same. Our families, children, and significant others all have the power to hurt us if we love them that is, so all love is Ate. ( I will exclude agape love however, as I am a Christian. I will say that only the love of the Creator is pure, and will not break your heart.)
- We only ever play out the same story.
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