05 April 2007


*Test Review For Monday*
  1. What birds represent Procne & Philomena?
    Respectively, Swallow & Nightengale.
  2. What is Ate?
    Infatuation to the point of being ruined.
  3. Who is the original artisan/architect/artificer?
  4. Who is the god of sleep, dreams, and disguises?
  5. What should we avoid at all costs?
    Old People.
  6. What is Aristophanes theory of the soul mate?
    Joined together in the beginning and then split in two.
  7. Tragedy - Individual.
    Comedy - Community.
  8. Accourding to Plato, how does one reach immortality of the soul?
    Knowledge & Virtue or Children of the mind.
  9. Who taught Plato's Socrates all that he knows?
  10. What is Socratic Irony?
    "I don't know nothin'."
  11. What does Icarus do to cause his own demise?
    Flew too high, melted wax that attached his wings.
  12. What is the difference between Arachne & Minerva's tapestries?
    Arachne portrayed the travesties of the gods, where Minerva portrayed the gods in all their glory.
  13. What is the final frame in Valasquez's "the Spinners"?
    The rape of Europa.
  14. What does the name Pentheus mean?
    A man of constant sorrow.
  15. Cadmus was the Grandfather of Pentheus.
    Who were 2 old men in the Bacchae? Tiresius and Cadmus.
  16. Why did Ulysess believe that he should receive the arms of Ajax?
    Because Ulysess started it all.
  17. What Shakesperian play was inspired by story of Procne et al.?
    Titus Andronicus.
  18. What is a focus of New Comedy?
    Boy wants girl.
  19. What is Anagnorisis?
  20. What is the first instance of a frame within the Metamorpheses?
    The story of Pan & Syrinx.
  21. What is grace?
    The awareness of God's presence in the world.
  22. Omophagia: Eating of living flesh.
  23. Who is Love the child of?
    Poverty and Contrivence.
  24. How old will the Metamorphesis be in 2008?
    2000 years old.
  25. What was Daphne turned into?
    A laurel tree.
  26. What is Nasso?
  27. Aristophanes could not give his speech in the original order of speakers why?
    He had the hiccups.

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