28 February 2007

28 February 2007

Symposium - Alcibiades is influenced in his drunken speech by Dionysus.

This is a hilarious blog that just shows how short sighted society has become. This just goes to show, just because we are supposed to be PC, that doesn't mean that everyone is. ( I don't know if this is even a real issue, and this is neither my blog nor my post, and in no way reflects my beliefs!!!!! I just thought it was hilariously stupid! What does this have to do with anything? What kind of people ask these questions? I feel very sorry for someone who is so insecure that they generalize such a large group of people into such a small box. The link is to the actual blog this came from.)

  • Why are gay people turned on by wrestling?
  • I think its more an idealism then a true admiration for many. It stems back to the belief that homosexuality flourished in ancient Greece, birth place of wrestling as we know it today. Evidence shows that Olympic games were a celebration of masculinity and many homosexuals, through a Dan Brownish perversion of history, see it as a celebration of homosexuality. I guess mainly because competitors wrestled nude. Regardless, fast forward to the birth of catch-as-catch can wrestling in the modern world.Much like boxing, wrestling went through a "beer and sausage" phase of gentleman wrestlers (i.e. out of shape Anglo-Saxons). Again a celebration of masculinity but because it was sans the Grecian ideal of muscular nude men in close quarters, it never was popular with the gay community. Over the century or so wrestlers have become leaner and more fit. Chiseled abs replacing beer guts, body hair being shaved or waxed off. Compare guys like the American Dream Dusty Rhodes to guys like Batista and you will see the difference (amazingly, Dusty has more or less, or more, of the same shape he has had since his heyday). As wrestlers appearance returns to the Grecian ideal, so do the homosexual undertones.
  • Paul Halsall: Homosexual Eros in Early Greece (1986)

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