Athena : first daddy's girl, she posed no threat to Zeus because she was a girl.
- Diotima - Socrates supposed teacher on love. Before they could discuss the topic of love, the "men" had to send out the flute girl.
- Plato used Dialectic philosophy.
- Plato believed in a pre-version of the matrix. People sat in a dark cave, staring at the wall. (come into the light).
- Socratic - (Socratic irony) gentle way of leading us into the light (said that he didn't know anything, he got all of his information from a wise old woman).
- Phaedrus (speech begins 178a)[1]: also familiar from Phaedrus and other dialogues, his approach here is literary
- Pausanias (speech begins 180c): the legal expert
- Eryximachus (speech begins 186a): a stereotyped physician
- Aristophanes (speech begins 189c): the famous comic poet seems at first to be "played for laughs", but his origin myth for the three genders (homosexual, lesbian, and heterosexual) is both fantastic and serious
- Agathon (speech begins 195a): a self-consciously poetic approach, which is gently mocked[2] by --
- Socrates (speech begins 201d): familiar to us as Plato's teacher, in this dialogue he retells religious teachings which he attributes to the priestess Diotima
- Alcibiades (speech begins 214e): reminiscences of his own encounters, amorous or not, with Socrates
- Raconteur - a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly. (French)
- (Recent info - Father of Anne Frank, Otto Frank's letters found)Before Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in Holland, her father tried to get visas for the United States, documents released in New York show.
"I would not ask if conditions here would not force me to do all I can in time to be able to avoid worse," Otto Frank wrote in April 1941 to Nathan Straus Jr., a college friend, son of the founder of Macy's department store and head of the U.S. Housing Authority.
But even Strauss' money and influence didn't help Frank, who also tried to obtain Cuban visas. "National security fears overrode humanitarian concerns," the executive director of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Carl Rheins, told The New York Sun. YIVO released the documents related to the Frank family on Wednesday.
YIVO received 350 cabinets of refugee material in 1974 and a grant to organize it in 2005. That summer, volunteer Estelle Guzine noted a file jacket was missing a date of birth and opened it and saw the children's names Anne and Margot Frank and said, "Oh my God, this is the Anne Frank file," Rheins told The New York Times. - König - she had to tell him stories (Scheherazade of the airways)
- The first story that she told was "The Beggar King". This tales features the famous King Solomon
- According to Dr. Sexon, and Dorothy, we all just want to go home.
- I found the parallel between the beggar king and the movie "Contact" very interesting.
- The same thing happened to Picard (if you don't know who this is, drop the class).
- Sarah saved her sister with her stories, but her sister ended up having to wear a chevron on her arm. This is interesting because, in the military, acquiring chevrons on your arm is a very good thing indeed.
- At the end of the plane ride, Sarah wiped the fake tattoo off of her right forearm.
- She showed, did, and said something - in reference to the Eleusinian mysteries.
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