22 February 2007


Elizabeth, Brittany R., Jan, and Mine
anything in parentheses is just notes not questions
all actual questions will be numbered, and remember, the instructor retains the right to reinterpret any of our questions as he wishes.
(Next week have read symposium)
  1. Q:What did Demeter do to the earth in revenge for the abduction of Persephone? A: Winter
  2. Q:What is a Senex?
    A: Doddering old fool(man), old man from which we derive senate senescence - aging senility.
  3. Q: What are the three manifestations of the triple Goddess?
    A: Crone(Hecate), Mother(Demeter), Maiden(Persephone)

    Onomatopoeia (occasionally spelled onomatopÅ“ia) is a word, or occasionally, a grouping of words, that imitates the sound it is describing, and thus suggests its source object, such as “bang” or “click”, or animal such as “moo”, “oink”, “quack” or “meow”.)
  4. Puer - archetype or model of eternal youth(aka Peter Pan or Hermes).
  5. Answer: I was born Yesterday
    Q: Why I couldn't have stolen Apollo's cattle.
  6. Q: What did Agamemnon have to do to go off to the Trojan War?
    A: Sacrifice his daughter(a virgin). from Aeschylus : The Oresteia
  7. Q: What is the heart of all tragedy according to Sophocles?
    A: The best thing would be to never have been born at all.
  8. Sparagmos: (Definition) Rending, tearing, or shredding of flesh & bone.
  9. Kore - maiden(in our story Persephone)
  10. Birth of Dionysus - He of the double doors, stitched in.
  11. Q: What is Stichomythia?
    A: A short pungent exchange between 2 characters (one liners).
  12. The 5 conflicts Steiner says are represented only in Antigone:
    1. Man vs. Woman
    2. Young vs. Old
    3. Society vs. the Individual
    4. The Living vs. the Dead
    5. Man (Humankind) vs. God(s)
  13. Who is Aphrodite Urania: Goddess of spiritual love.
  14. Q: At the Eleusinian Mysteries, something was acted, shown, and said. What, according to Dr. Sexon, was shown?
    A: A stalk of wheat.
  15. The meaning of Antigone's name: Against the birth.
  16. Hubris : act of pride/arrogance that oversteps the gods boundaries.
  17. Lines 441-581 of Antigone? Maybe
  18. In ancient Greece, who would you invoke for creative inspiration and how many are there? Answer: The nine Muses whose mother was Memory and father Zeus.
  19. According to the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, what was the topic of the first song?
    Answer: Stairway to heaven (THIS IS THE ANSWER THAT SEXON WANTS), also a celebration of the gods and their birth.
  20. Chthonic - relating to the underworld.
  21. Answer : Pomegranate ("Don't eat me.") Q : What did Persephone eat while in the underworld that ensured her return.
  22. Q : What has Tiresias done that no one else has?
    Answer: Lived as a man and woman and said that female was better or preferable.
  23. Polic - City
  24. Father of the Muses - Zeus
  25. Catharsis - Purgation of pity or fear
  26. Who was Antigone's ma? Jocasta
  27. Cassie was born in Grand Junction, CO. on February 2nd, 1987 at approximately 7A.M.
  28. Is is time to go? Yes, it's 2:03
    James Joyce fell in love on June 16th 1904, and it is therefore "bloomsday".

1 comment:

Ross said...

Hey, it appears that I was one of the people who "slipped through the cracks" as Professor Sexson put it, since you are one of the most trafficked sites, will you put a link to my site on yours? My site is http://classicalfoundations.blogspot.com/
