- Memorize lines in Antigone
- do something to make an action memorable to someone else.
- Describe an argument that I have had with a male.
Sticho(row)mythia(speech) - An ancient Greek arrangement of dialogue in drama, poetry, and disputation in which single lines of verse or parts of lines are spoken by alternate speakers.
Example 1:
ISMENE: And what life is dear to me, bereft of thee?
ANTIGONE: Ask Creon; all thy care is for him.
ISMENE: Why vex me thus, when it avails thee nought?
ANTIGONE: Indeed, if I mock, 'tis with pain that I mock thee.
ISMENE: Tell me,-how can I serve thee, even now?
ANTIGONE: Save thyself: I grudge not thy escape.
ISMENE: Ah, woe is me! And shall I have no share in thy fate?
ANTIGONE: Thy choice was to live; mine, to die.
ISMENE: At least thy choice was not made without my protest.
ANTIGONE: One world approved thy wisdom; another, mine.
Example 2:
QUEEN: Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended.
HAMLET: Mother, you have my father much offended.
QUEEN: Come, come, you answer with an idle tongue.
HAMLET: Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue.
Revisioning psychology - "In each of us enacts Persephone in soul." by James Hillman.
Paradox of the rescuer - Is he a white knight, or Hades in disguise?
This isn't "real" dialogue, but this is how I envision most of the arguments that I have with men. There is just a different way that we women think.
Charade (1963)
by Peter Stone.Draft script, 1 October 1962. More info about this movie on IMDb.com
REGGIE Alex -- how can you tell if someone is lying or not?
DYLE You can't.
REGGIE There must be some way.
DYLE There's an old riddle about two tribes of Indians -- the Whitefeet always tell the truth and the Blackfeet always lie. So one day you meet an Indian, you ask him if he's a truthful Whitefoot or a lying Blackfoot? He tells you he's a truthful Whitefoot, but which one is he?
REGGIE Why couldn't you just look at his feet?
DYLE Because he's wearing moccasins.
REGGIE Oh. Well, then he's a truthful Whitefoot, of course.
DYLE Why not a lying Blackfoot?
REGGIE (confused) Which one are you?
DYLE (entering, smiling) Whitefoot, of course.
It is funny, because I better associate with Dyle(Cary Grant), and Reggie(Audrey Hepburn) is taking more of the role of the seductress here. So there you have it, women can be abductors too(or have cloven hooves), but no matter who is the flower faced child, and who is the lord of the underworld, men and women confuse each other.
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