- Tragedy - individual
- Comedy - not about the individual, but all
There is nothing about the human being that is shamefull. Whatever is human is okay in comedy.
Marriage - validation of fertility.
Shakespeare makes fun of those who cannot laugh at life.
Lysistrata(?strata of women?) - ends justify the means
- Least obscene(off-scene) of Aristophanes plays.
- Very Political.
- Obsenity
- Death and rebirth.
Menandrian tradition - new comedy
- girl that is usually a slave or courtesan
- father and son want that same girl
- heroin discovered to be hero's sister
Aristophanes - peacenick - hated Sparta(note pg. 39 today)
- is a release of emotion
- parody of state
New Comedy -
"And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson"
- Simon and Garfunkel
- comedy celebrates the stupid.
- As You Like it - best example end with a marriage, this ends in four.
- The naked woman on the cover of Lysistrata is Peace.
Society - women are opressed.
Literature -
- big roles for women
- women can be more emotional than men.
Aristotle - Comedy deals with those who are worse than us and tragedy deals with those who are better than us.
Comedy deas a lot with Phallic procession
- ithyphallic (Herms) (Priapus)
- Happy Ideal (comes up in the beginning, then happens in the end).
Body - Bawdy (carnal)
Carnivals - used to be "freak shows" (pertaining to the flesh).
Pg. 11 has a reference to Helen.
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