Elizabeth showed us her wonderful school project that is a great representation of the frame of stories that take place within the Symposium.
Vertiginously (Vertigo) - dizziness from infinite depths.
Accused of contrivance. English department has a one-hundred dollar prize for the best contrivance.
Poetry --> Poesis (make up)
Truth --> Logos (logic) (so, did they consider logic and truth one and the same?)
Mythology --> story and truth.
The Symposium says that it is more important to be a lover than loved.
The Wizard of Oz shows the transformation from Naivety, to scepticism, to acceptance(critical?).
Pouros means way, resourcefulness, contrivance(father of Eros)
Eros - child of contrivance and want (desire)
Daimon(demon) - Messenger
Pregnant in the soul (children of the mind). Is the more desirable form of immortality.
- Immortality & Existance of the soul.
- Virtue or goodness.
The greatest lovers are philosophers.
Lysistrata - graphic, horrific, women withholding sex.
- Resistance to counselor
- lewd & crude
- classical smut
- shameless
The best thing in the mind of the tragedian was to never have been born at all.
Comedy - Shameless
- Falstaff - Give me life [more].
- drunkard, whore master, robs his friends, pretends to be dead, kills a man who is
already dead and takes the credit. - Seven Beauties - movie, first woman nominated for an Oscar for directing.
If death is honor, I'll have none of it.(life abundant, because it is life.)
We have children to protect from that which destroys life.
Old Comedy - very political.
- much about the polis - old men
New Comedy - boy meets girl (romantic comedy)
Little Miss Sunshine - Old Comedy.
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